Board of Directors Approved 03/01/07
February 1, 2007

Present: Williams, Fisher, Hon. James. F. Moelk, Gerhardt, Angen, Machado, Tauber, Hakenen, Curtola, Hotaling, Capozzo, Sottana
Excused: Martin

Minutes of January 4, 2007
Curtola motioned to approve, Hakenen seconded. The motion carried.

General Manager’s Report
Capozzo informed the Board that the golf shop inventory is doing well. The tennis social room cabinets are expected to be finished next week. The completion of the social room is expected with in two weeks and on budget.

Treasurer’s Report
The 2006 operational budget at year end was considerably better than anticipated. The
golf course maintenance was under budget as Story did not hire additional help in the busy season due to the golf course construction. Other departments also exceeded budgets this year leaving an excess of $68,000.00. The finance committee recommends placing the funds into the CIF account based on their current understanding of legal and tax aspects. They will research other options of disbursing the funds to the membership should the Board decide not to place the funds into the CIF.

Currently, the Club receives a yearly audit review. The finance committee recommended that a full audit be scheduled every five years at a cost of approximately $20,000. They suggest to have a full audit next year and to use funds from the 2006 operational excess to cover the additional cost. They feel a full audit will clear any misconceptions from the membership.
Machado motioned to proceed with the committee recommendation and increase the 2007 operational budget by $12,000 using funds from the 2006 operational excess to cover the additional cost of a full audit. This would leave the balance of the excess at $56,000. Hon. James F. Moelk seconded, the motion carried.

The Board would like to revise the 2007 operational budget, and reduce membership dues.
Hon. James F. Moelk motioned to adjust the current monthly dues to reflect the revised 2007 budget effective March 2007. Curtola seconded, the motion carried. Hotaling and Fisher will contact PKF prior concerning any legal or tax aspects.

Membership Sales & Notations
Proprietary Application: Chris & Carrie Foley
Social Applications: Allen & Mary Lou Carter, Richard & Barbara Diamond, James & Valerie Prigmore.
Hon. James F. Moelk motioned to approve all applicants, Curtola seconded. The motion carried.

Committee Reports
Green: There are some problems with greens #1, 12, 8. The worst green is #12 due to the shade from canopy of the Oak tree. The canopy will be thinned to bring more light to the green. There are issues with the drainage project. There is a swamp around the two Willow trees at the right side of #10 and the committee is recommending the removal of these trees as the roots will encroach into the new drainage pipes. The committee would also like to dress up this area and cannot with the trees in place. Total cost $2,500.00. The Board would like input from the golf committee as well as a report on the appearance of the area when the trees are removed and the area is dressed up.
SID: The SID engineers have submitted drawings to PGE for approval. PGE has had a change in personnel managing this project which is causing further delays.
Tennis: January committee minutes, Statement of Goals, Master Tennis Calendar, Tennis Program and Tennis Events were distributed to the Board. Machado requested USTA Tennis Teams and non member participation and other subjects related to tennis.
Membership: The committee is requesting direction from the Board whether or not a Social member can sponsor an applicant for any class of membership. Hon. James F. Moelk motioned that a Social member cannot sponsor an applicant for any class of membership. All sponsors are to be Proprietary. Gerhardt seconded, the motion carried 6-3.
Food & Beverage: The committee discussed items to review and ideas to enhance the food and beverage experience.

2007 CIF Priority List
Hakenen motioned to approve items #1-15, plus item #21 for Phase I. Hon. James F. Moelk seconded, the motion carried 5-3.

Member Letter: A letter requesting to extend member privileges for a college student who is now living in their home. Hon. James F. Moelk motioned to decline the request as they do not wish to set such precedence. Curtola seconded, the motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Trey Curtola, Secretary